Grandma of Twins With Birth Defects Loves Otteroo

Grandma of Twins With Birth Defects Loves Otteroo

Disclaimer: Customer stories and testimonials on this page may speak to a customer’s individual experience with the Otteroo and their child’s impairment. These stories and testimonials may not reflect all Otteroo experiences. The Otteroo is intended to provide buoyancy to promote free movement in the water to support natural development and is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease or condition.

Annette Fiala loves watching her grandchildren play in the water while supported with the Otteroo, especially her twin grandsons who were both born with birth defects. Baby Carson was born with only one blind eye, and baby Caden has a defect with his urethra. She loves Otteroo so much, she's been known to buy extra and hand them out to families while on vacation.

Why are you always telling other parents about Otteroo?

When I go to resorts, and I see parents with their little tiny babies, and they've got a stupid vest jacket on them and the kid's head is bobbing in the water, I run and I get my cell phone and I go over there and I lean into the pool and I show them the video. "Look at this. Look at this. Where's your wife? Let me show her." People see the product and say, "What's the name?" And I say, "Otteroo." It's so cute. When I show people this video, you can't help but just fall in love with these two little babies.

What do you tell other parents about Otteroo?

Every time I see someone that has a baby, and they're trying to put them in the pool, or they've got them and they're sitting outside the pool, I show them this. I'm like, "This takes care of everything. The babies float. Everything's good."

Could baby Carson go into the water without the Otteroo?

We wouldn't put him in the water without it, that's for sure. When they're in the water, they are in heaven. Here's another thing: When they can't get them to sleep at night, we fill the bathtub up and put them in their floaties, and they burn their energy out and they go right to sleep.

But, now they've got excellent muscle tone. They are so active. You can tell from the water they just love being in it. They can kick, and they're well coordinated.

Do their birth defects affect their development?

Because they were premature, at first doctors were really worried about their coordination and crawling. But, now they've got excellent muscle tone. They are so active. You can tell from the water they just love being in it. They can kick, and they're well coordinated. Now we've eliminated that they have any of those kind of problems. We were advised that they could have developmental problems and poor muscle tone, and that kind of stuff. Nope. These little guys just love the water. They go in five days out of seven days.

Wow, they must really like it!

I can see why. It's like being in the mother's womb. They love water. They just love the product. Thank you guys, it is so awesome.

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