Get Hands and Feet Moving

Get Hands and Feet Moving

If you were like me, a super eager Otteroo-mom that got the Mini when your baby was still in your tummy - you might be a tad-bit disappointed when your 2-week-old doesn’t start splashing and swimming around the tub straight away… 

Here’s the thing I learned (although, it’s like, ‘duh’ in hindsight): my baby needs to first learn that he has these things called hands and feet and second, that he can move them on his own!

Babies aren’t natural born athletes

Unlike our puppy, who was able to roll over to get his tummy rubbed or sprint down our hallway in just a few weeks, human babies are born completely helpless. 

And when your baby is just a few weeks old, it’s hard for them to move -- gravity is a drag! Plus, when they’re being carried all the time, it’s hard for them to distinguish their movement vs. their caregiver’s. They don’t even know where their body begins and ends. It takes a lot of “practice” before their brain makes the connection: 

So, like with so many other motor skills, you guessed it… getting exposure to seeing and doing these new things over and over, helps with your baby nailing down these fundamental building blocks of movement. 

How can Otteroo (and its transparent design) help babies jumpstart their motor development?

The sensation of water moving against babies’ skin (vs air), the instant sensory and auditory feedback of splashing water, and the ability to move freely without someone holding them, make it a lot easier for babies to connect the dots. 

How to do it:

  1. Place your baby vertically (make sure water is deep enough) or on their back in Otteroo.
  2. Move them back and forth gently from one end of the tub to the other so they can feel the water moving around their arms and legs.
  3. Move both their arms up and down, in and out of the water in a gentle splashing motion.
  4. Don’t forget the legs! Help them use their legs in a kicking motion one by one. If one leg is kicking a lot and the other one is staying still, you can show them how to kick with that leg so they remember they have two! 

So many benefits!

  • Babies will not only feel the sensations of moving their arms and hands more in water but also see where those sensations are coming from (their own arms & hands!). They’ll also hear their movements when they make a splash!!  
  • It’s easier to move in the water thanks to buoyancy and reduced gravity.
  • It’s dramatic! Just a bit of arm or leg movement can propel them forward in the water or create splashes.
  • Plus, it’s also great for strengthening little muscles!  


  • Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t get it right away! It’s the accumulation of accidental movements and connecting that movement with an outcome that teaches them to intentionally move.
  • Say things like, “Splash splash splash” or “Kick kick kick” as you are making the motions for added cognitive / linguistic benefits
  • Encourage them to move on their own by showing them how to do it and then giving them ample time to test it out for themselves. Babies’ can take a while to make new connections.
  • Motivate them to move towards their favorite bath toy, or your voice.


Most importantly, please remember to ALWAYS stay within arm’s reach of your baby while in or near the water.

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